brand name
Micro Motion F100S
Mass flow accuracy (Liquid)
±0.20% of rate (standard)±0.15% of rate (optional)±0.10% of rate
Mass flow repeatability (Liquid)
±0.050% of rate
Volume flow accuracy (Liquid)
±0.28% of rate (standard)±0.25% of rate (optional)±0.15% of rate
Volume flow repeatability (Liquid)
±0.050% of rate
Mass flow accuracy (Gas)
±0.5% of rate
Mass flow repeatability (Gas)
±0.25% of rate
Density accuracy (Liquid)
±0.002 g/cm³ (2.0 kg/m³) (standard)±0.001 g/cm³ (1.0 kg/m³) (optional)
Temperature accuracy
±1 °C ±0.5% of reading